Google Domains Shutdown: SquareSpace or AWS Route 53 – Your Path Ahead


In a surprising turn of events, Google has decided to close its Google Domains service and sell its domain registration business to SquareSpace. This announcement has left many Google Domains users wondering about the future of their domain names and how to ensure a smooth transition. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the implications of this change and guide you through the process of transferring your domain from Google Domains to AWS Route 53.

Why is Google Closing Google Domains?

While Google Domains offered a reliable domain registration service with features like easy integration with other Google services and competitive pricing, Google has decided to focus on its core products and services. This strategic move aims to streamline the company’s operations and allocate more resources to its primary areas of expertise.

Transitioning to SquareSpace

If you’re currently using Google Domains for your website, you might be wondering how this transition to SquareSpace will affect your domain registration. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Automatic Transfer: Google Domains will automatically transfer your domain to SquareSpace. You don’t need to take any action for this transfer to happen.
  • SquareSpace Features: SquareSpace offers a user-friendly website builder and hosting platform, making it an excellent choice for domain registration and website hosting. Explore SquareSpace features to see if it aligns with your needs.
  • Billing and Support: SquareSpace will handle all billing and customer support related to your domain. You can reach out to SquareSpace support team for any domain-related questions or concerns.

Transferring Your Domain from Google Domain to AWS Route 53

While SquareSpace may be a suitable choice for many, some users may prefer to move their domains to AWS Route 53 for more control and flexibility over their DNS settings. Here’s how you can transfer your domain from SquareSpace to AWS Route 53:

Prepare Your Domain: Before initiating the transfer, make sure your domain is eligible for transfer. Ensure that it’s unlocked, and you have access to the domain’s authorization code (also known as an EPP code or transfer key).

Step-1 : Login into Google Domains account an select the domain which needs to be transferred to AWS Route 53.
Step-2 : Navigate to Registration settings and make sure domain in unlocked.

Initiate Transfer with AWS Route 53: Sign in to your AWS Management Console and navigate to Route 53. Under “Domains,” choose “Transfer Domain Registration.” Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the transfer.

Step-3 : Login into AWS Management console and navigate to Route 53. 
Step-4 : Click on "Registered domains" and select "Single domain" under "Transfer in" option.
Step-5 : Enter the domain name that needs to be transferred and check if available and click Next.
Step-6 : Continue to click Next until its request for authorization code.

Provide Authorization Code: During the transfer process, you’ll be asked to provide the authorization code you obtained from SquareSpace. This code verifies your ownership of the domain.

Step-7 : Return back to Google Domains and click on "Get auth code", re-authenticate with your credentials. 
Step-8 : Copy the authorization code and paste in AWS Route 53 domain transfer form.
Step-9 : Continue to click Next, update contact information, review all the information and submit the domain transfer request.

Confirm Transfer: After entering the authorization code, confirm the transfer. AWS Route 53 will handle the rest of the transfer process, including updating your DNS settings.

Step-10 : Finally confirm the domain transfer by clicking on the Transfer button which is sent to the registered email.
Step-11 : It takes time for domain transfer to complete, we check the status in the Routes 53 request page. Upon completion the status will change to Successful.

DNS Configuration: Once the transfer is complete, you can configure your DNS settings in AWS Route 53 according to your requirements. You can create DNS records, set up routing policies, and more.

Wait for Propagation: Keep in mind that DNS changes can take some time to propagate across the internet. Be patient while waiting for the changes to take effect.


The transition of Google Domains to SquareSpace may seem unexpected, but it’s important to adapt to these changes as smoothly as possible. SquareSpace offers a robust platform for domain registration and website hosting, while AWS Route 53 provides advanced DNS management capabilities for those who require more control.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure a seamless transfer of your domain from Google Domains to SquareSpace and, if needed, to AWS Route 53. Remember to back up your DNS settings and carefully follow the transfer process to minimize any disruptions to your online presence.

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